Build your own personalized cryptocurrency portfolio, invest and rebalance with the click of a button, and seamlessly manage multiple accounts.
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Upgrade to Elite and get access to these premium features
Connect your account
Set up your target portfolio
Let Passiv do all the work
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Connect your accounts from any of these partner platforms and manage them all as one or multiple portfolios with Passiv
Save time by letting Passiv calculate & execute the trades needed to keep your portfolio balanced.
Build your portfolio and maintain your target allocation. Use Passiv’s “buy-only” setting to identify the underweight assets in your portfolio or “enable selling” to do a full rebalance.
Use cash management rules to help with dollar-cost averaging. Have greater flexibility and control over the cash in held in your Unocoin account.
Connect your accounts from any of these partner platforms and manage them all as one or multiple portfolios with Passiv
Review Passiv's Security page to learn more.